The cover of "Vous Fait Revivre: Le Tour (1955) has a nice image of Bobet and Gaul. It is probably "colorized", but they were pretty good at getting the correct colors in the right places (fans were probably just as picky then as they are today). Bobet's bike is yellow with blue seattube panel, and World Champion stripes in several places.
Another image (b&w) shows a three-quarter shot from the drive side. Note his mechanic is still mounting the rear qr lever on the drive side. Not a perfect print, but I'll leave it large for details - you can even make-out the lacing pattern on his shoe!. Note the head lugs and fork crown details. Someone will have to remind me who built Bobet's personal bikes.
Click pics for larger images.
Suspension Bridge Revisited
Lately I've spent a lot of time riding to, across and around Roebling
Suspension Bridge, which spans the Ohio River between Cincinnati, Ohio and
14 years ago