Here's a lovely set of LeFol mud guards complete with Luxor headlight (probably a type 50), unknown taillight, and curving fender struts. Note the interesting mount for the headlight... looks like the builder added a hole to each side of the shell, then bent some aluminum rod to form a support for the light and forward struts for the mud guard.
The rear strut is even fancier, curving past the top of the taillight, then up to a third anchor point on the fender. Go ahead, ask me if I'm gonna copy this! ;-)
Thanks to Gunnar for the "heads-up" on this one. Several of these have appeared suddenly on eBay-France and eBay-Germany. Smooth stubby shell with slight flare at the bezel opening, and an entirely new-to-me lens with rectangular marble-style reflector in the center. I wonder how much light made it our the back... certainly would like to try one to see.
Here are three nice views of the Luxor stubby taillight, this one smooth. I also have one with a two-step rib down the top center - pics later. Note how the shell flares out slightly on this one where the bezel/lens assembly goes in. Not all of them have this flare.
There have been a plethora of Luxor headlights and taillights on French eBay lately. This lovely smooth 65 and matching stubby taillight were no-sale items at $65 BIN. Headlight lens looks shot, but the shell is very nice.
The stubby taillight has a different angle were it attaches to the fender - it mounts a little lower than the normal Luxor taillight, about halfway between it and the normal reflector location. I've recently acquired a number of these stubbies, so I'll post some comparison pictures soon.
Seller on French eBay says this is a Luxor... looks like there's a badge on top, but no other pictures where included with the auction. Shell shape is similar to the teardrop Luxors, but I don't have any other info on the model.
Here's a new one - a Luxor 104 headlight. The mounting bracket is a Radios, but you can read the Luxor lettering at the bottom of the lens. Note also the typical Luxor mounting mech at the bottom of the shell and bezel. Switch at top may be for changing from battery to dynamo power.
Slightly different take on the rack/tool boxes idea. This seems to be from Motobecane (see M at base). Boxes and rack both appear to be steel. Nice rectangular loop at the bottom for attaching panniers or other straps.
I've always loved the graphics on the Vitalux boxes - the cyclist and car set against a blue background with yellow triangle. This headlight is very pretty - art deco top ornament is non-functional, but beneath it there's a red indicator lens. Note the vertical line on the front lens. The nut on the bottom is for securing/removing the lens bezel.
A NOS Radios type 119 found on eBay-France. Note the switch for changing from dynamo to battery power. Size suggests it is about the same as a type 18.
I have no idea who made this headlight, but I like the faceted headlight. Looks like some running lights from cars in the 1920s. Bakelite shell and bezel.
Anyone else see a different recognizable pattern to this chainring? All I can see are three Angels. No idea what bike this came from, but an interesting graphic.
Here's another new-to-me Luxor variation from eBay-France: a Luxor 50, their smallest headlight, with the ribbed "La Paon" (peacock) finish. This one is set-up for the domed base as opposed to having two feet on the bottom. Looks like the lens is cracked - a shame, as I've yet to see a replacement lens for Luxor 50s or 65s, and this is the rarer smooth lense without the vertical lines.
A few more Luxor taillights will be making their way to Ohio. This batch includes a smooth side mount with spherical lens, smooth stubby fender mount, smooth long fender mount with stepped flute, Le Paon (peacock) long fender mount, smooth long side mount, smooth long side mount with extra rings, smooth short side mount, and a couple of clamp-on models.
Suspension Bridge Revisited
Lately I've spent a lot of time riding to, across and around Roebling
Suspension Bridge, which spans the Ohio River between Cincinnati, Ohio and
Part 26 -
(copied from BiciVenetto)
The Fable of the Bicycle Will Never Fade Away
And next year, the start will once again take place, and yet again the year
after, ...