Another image from Pic of the Day, this time Critérium National d'Hiver de Demi-Fond, Vel' d'Hiv', Paris, 1933. Start of the 1st heat of the Critérium National d'Hiver de Demi-Fond. From left to right: Auguste Wambst, (Georges?) Paillard, et (Jean?) Maréchal. Paillard would go on to win this heat, but a rider from the 2nd heat, Lacquehay, would win the four-rider finale. Note the variations in helmet designs, and the beautiful and BIG chainrings. From "Match l'Intran" No.337, 21 February 1933.
Suspension Bridge Revisited
Lately I've spent a lot of time riding to, across and around Roebling
Suspension Bridge, which spans the Ohio River between Cincinnati, Ohio and
15 years ago